Project Profile : 


Small Reservoir Projects (SRIPs) will be constructed in Region VI & VII, rehabilitation/construction of NIS & CIS will be undertaken in ARMM and CARAGA regions.

Project Coverage:  (in Hectares)
Core Projects:
  1. Calayagon CIP, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte  


  2. Gibong NIP, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur : 665
  3. Can-Asujan SRIP, Carcar, Cebu : 950


: 1,865
Non-Core Projects
  1. Gibong RIS, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur  : 4,535
  2. Logum-Baobo NIp, Veruela, Agusan del Sur :: 2,900
  3. Libang NIP, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur : 2,200
  4. Pusilao NIP, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur :  2,000
  5. Rugnan NIP, Malundo, Lanao del Sur : 3,000
  6. Magbailo SRIP, Kabankalan, Negros Occidental :  1,000
  7. San Roque CIP, Las Nieves, Agusan del Norte : 170
  8.  Aclan-Amontay CIp, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte :  170
Sub-total  : 15,975 
Total  : 17,840


Project Description:

The project will construct and improve small-to-medium scale irrigation systems, strengthen irrigation operation and maintenance (O&M) through beneficiaries participation, and institutional capacity of executing agencies. In the Southern Philippines, the project will develop irrigation and drainage facilities covering about 15,745 ha. for intensive cultivation of rice and other crops, and will benefit about 10,000 farm households, about 44 percent of which have income below the poverty threshold. Small Reservoir Projects (SRIPs) will be constructed in Region VI & VII, rehabilitation/construction of NIS & CIS will be undertaken in ARMM and CARAGA regions.

Project Data:
Financing Institution : Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Loan Number : 1668-PHI
Amount of Loan  : $60.0 Million
Project Cost   P4,169.4 Million
Effectivity Date : October 29, 1999
Loan Closing Date : June 30, 2006
Date Signed :  March 1, 1999
Rate of Interest :
Terms : 25 years, 7 years grace period
Target Beneficiaries : 10,000 farm families
Date Started : June 5, 2000
Completion Date : December 31, 2006



Last update : Wednesday, 09 August 2006

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